Polypropylene films for capacitors

BOPP films for capacitors

Under the Dielectric Films brand, Bolloré ITF produces ultra-thin films, the main components of high added-value capacitors, which contribute in particular to the optimisation of electricity grids and the development of renewable energies.

These films have a high level of dielectric rigidity for good insulation between the electrodes and constant thermomechanical characteristics for stable capacitor performance.


They are used in particular in the equipment of electric vehicles, thereby contributing to the energy transition. They contribute to the optimisation of electricity grids and the development of renewable energies.

Our offer:

High crystallinity, Rough films for impregnation applications, Base films, Corona treated films, UTF…

Our strengths:

And tomorrow?

Bolloré Innovative Films has launched a major investments program and an ambitious R&D strategy to boost its capacitor films production and meet the needs of tomorrow.

“Mastering ultrathin is at the heart of our strategy”

Therefore our emerging developments concern UTF used in HEV, EV

Discover our range





Corona treated film for metallised PP

 HTP High temperature resistance , enhanced resistance to temperature Dry metallised PP capacitor for AC low voltages (LT power factor correction, motor run, lighting…) for DC voltages  (Filtering, energy storage, power electronic, RFI …)
HCPP High temperature resistance smooth PP film
PPRT Rough PP film Impregnated metallised PP capacitor for DC voltages (power electronic, energy storage….)

PP film for all film &/or mixed dielectric capacitor

PPDC Smooth PP film Film / foil and mixed dielectric capacitor for DC and AC voltages  (energy storage, telecom, micro-waves…)
PPR Rough PP film Impregnated film / foil and mixed dielectric capacitor for medium and high AC voltages (power factor correction, CVT,…)

Overwrapping film



Smooth PP film Overwrapping of metallised PP windings

For more information